Directly from my brain and onto the internet.
PJ_'s Articles » Page 4
June 19, 2005 by PJ_
I'm so sick of this. I've got to get out of the house. Talk to somebody. I feel like I've withdrawn into a little shell, like a turtle. I'm doing nothing that matters. Just waiting for my life to start up again, or something. Or waiting for it to be over. I've seen practically none of the people I went to high school for three years. I should have stayed connected with people. Not that I was really connected to begin with.
June 15, 2005 by PJ_
Sometimes I feel an urge to write something here. Express what I'm feeling, or something like that. The problem is I don't have anything specific in mind that I want to say. Maybe I'm feeling something that I just can't identify and put into words, or maybe what I'm feeling is just the need to reach out, so there's no specific set of words that would be meaningful. I do feel better when I write things out, though. It's actually kind of funny: if you had told me back in high school that ...
June 11, 2005 by PJ_
Sometimes, late at night I'll be sitting in my living room studying my cell phone. An amazing invention, don't you think? I just wish I had somebody to call.
June 8, 2005 by PJ_
I was just looking at Neil Gaiman's website and noticed that his new book is coming out on my birthday this year. I usually don't like to spend the money for a hardcover book, but maybe I'll get myself a birthday present this year. The cover looks a whole lot like the cover of American Gods . It seems to have a pretty similar theme, though, so maybe that's intentional.
May 29, 2005 by PJ_
My grade report came in the mail today, and I noticed that it's calling me a 5th year student. I guess that must mean I'm really behind on doing my co-op, since I just finished my third year. In a 5 year program, you're a 5th year student if you have 144 or more credits. As of now I have 155. I really need to address this co-op situation if I want to graduate.
May 28, 2005 by PJ_
I slept for a good 10 hours last night. Well, maybe 9 hours, if you account for the time between when I went to bed and when I fell asleep. Got up at 11am. It's now 7:45pm, and I'm thinking of taking a nap. Somehow this doesn't seem right. I could blame it on the Prozac. That might be part of it, I guess. But I think most of it is that I'm not doing anything with my time now that school is over, and if I'm not going to be doing anything why do I need to be concious for it? That's ...
May 26, 2005 by PJ_
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May 23, 2005 by PJ_
Check out the Google ads at the bottom of the sidebar. Google has analyzed my blog and determined that anyone reading it needs serious mental help. Which can, of course, be obtained over the internet. I'm not really miserable 24/7, it's just that when I'm in a good mood I don't exactly dwell on it like I sometimes do when I'm in a bad mood. Plus, it doesn't take as many words to explain it when things are going right. When i started this blog I had an idea that it would provide insight i...
May 21, 2005 by PJ_
I believe it was Chris Rock who said that insurance should be called "In Case Shit Happens," and the policy should be that if shit doesn't happen, you get your money back. A friend of mine remarked that, even though this wouldn't be the best business model for the insurance industry, it would be more "moral." That's not the way I see it, though. Insurance isn't like putting money aside so you'll have it in case shit happens. It's more like everybody putting money into a general fund so ...
May 18, 2005 by PJ_
So I found out that the interview that I thought was on Wednesday was actually on Tuesday, and I missed it. Majorly upset about that, as you can imagine. Here's the thing, though. As soon as I found out, I got into bed, pulled the covers over my head, and slept for two hours. I remember doing that in the past, going to sleep when I feel bad and hoping it's better when I wake up. I always do feel better after a nap, but I'm wondering if maybe I should try to find a better way to deal with...
May 16, 2005 by PJ_
You know, things were a lot simpler when I supressed my emotions. Feel like your life is missing something? Think about something else. Read a book. Feeling lonely? You don't need anybody. Put the TV on. I don't ever remember crying over things like that before this year. Of course, I know that road leads nowhere.
May 15, 2005 by PJ_
Way down at the bottom of the sidebar, right there on your right, just above the ads, is a list of referrals. That is, the links that brought people to this site. At this moment it tells me that 24 people came here from A few through Gmail (most likely because they put an article on their watch list and got an email when a comment was left. At least one of those is me.), but most from the search engine. "Egyptian girl" seems to be the most popular search, probably because the...
May 13, 2005 by PJ_
Have you seen the latest issue of GDT ? Check out Persistence , on page 2. I'm about to talk about it, so read it if you care what I have to say. Noticing Govind Ramabadran's name in the staff credits I can't help but wonder if it's his own fantasy, submitted under a false name. He does match the description of the guy in the tale (or at least as much of it as can be confirmed without taking off his pants). "M.Lipschutz" indeed. But that's just a random thought that came into my hea...
May 11, 2005 by PJ_
I feel like writing something, but I'm not sure what yet. I just finished reading William James' Is Life Worth Living? (not the full text of the article, of course, but a nice quote) and Jeff's latest blog entry . It really was a beautiful day today. Signifying the coming of summer, and the end of the school year. Going home to my mom, and away from my friends. I probably won't be doing much over the summer. Sitting on the porch, reading some books ... I should be more worried tha...
May 4, 2005 by PJ_
Okay, I have homework I should be doing, but I'm making a short post anyway. We just had a little discussion on intelligent design creationism vs. evolution in philosophy class. A passing mention, really. But I started thinking: why is it that I assumed evolution was the more plausible answer, even though it couldn't be reproduced in a laboratory any more than creationism? One reason, I'm sure, is that creationism depends on intervention from something outside the system, whereas evolut...