Directly from my brain and onto the internet.
i don't get it.
Published on May 28, 2005 By PJ_ In Business
I slept for a good 10 hours last night. Well, maybe 9 hours, if you account for the time between when I went to bed and when I fell asleep. Got up at 11am. It's now 7:45pm, and I'm thinking of taking a nap. Somehow this doesn't seem right.

I could blame it on the Prozac. That might be part of it, I guess. But I think most of it is that I'm not doing anything with my time now that school is over, and if I'm not going to be doing anything why do I need to be concious for it? That's kind of a depressing way of looking at things, I guess. That's kind of a depressing way of looking at things, I guess. I've been out of school for a little over a week, and I've spent most of my time sitting inside reading books or otherwise killing time. A couple of co-op interviews, one of which definitely did not go well and the other I'm not sure about. The second one was a phone interview.

A lot of job interviews seem like a huge waste of time to me. They ask questions like "What do you have to offer our company?" and "Tell me about your background." When I get a question like that I always wind up summarizing what I wrote in the resume. If that's what you're basing your decision on, you don't even need to talk to candidates. All that crap is in the resume.

You know, I sat down here intending to write about how I haven't been doing anything all week, and I should get off my ass and get something accomplished, but the only thing I need to get accomplished is to find a co-op, and looking for a job is like writing a paper i don't want to write. I wind up procrastinating and finding other things to do. And the other things I find to do are boring. And even if they're not, I can't enjoy them because I have this thing I should be doing instead hanging over me. It's not fun at all. But sending out resumes just leads to job interviews, which leads to dissapointment. Interviewing dozens of people for one position? How does that make sense? What makes someone stand out above that many others when they all looked to be at about the same level in the resume? I certainly don't have an ace up my sleeve for the interview.

There's something going on here that I don't get.

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