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In Case Sh*t happens
Published on May 21, 2005 By
I believe it was Chris Rock who said that insurance should be called "In Case Shit Happens," and the policy should be that if shit doesn't happen, you get your money back. A friend of mine remarked that, even though this wouldn't be the best business model for the insurance industry, it would be more "moral."
That's not the way I see it, though. Insurance isn't like putting money aside so you'll have it in case shit happens. It's more like everybody putting money into a general fund so that, when shit happens to a particular person, that person is not completely screwed out of everything they have.
That's why i don't like it when i hear about people not having insurance. Either they're putting themselves at risk of losing everything, or they're having other people get screwed on their behalf.
Nothing's free, right? But if you need something to live--like emergency medical services--you're going to get it, at least in this country. Hospitals can't--and shouldn't--turn away trauma victims without insurance. Someone's got to pay for that medical treatment. Logically it should be the people who didn't have the foresight to get insurance, right? But guess what? They aren't uninsured because they're misers with an "it could never happen to me" attitude trying to save a few pennies. They're uninsured because they have to put food and rent higher up on the priority list than "shit that might happen." So when shit happens, who foots the bill? You can't squeeze blood from a stone, and of course you can't refuse to treat them, so the hospital winds up eating the expense. Doctors perform their vital service and aren't paid for it. maybe you could say it's their sacred duty, but the fact is that nobody likes to be the one who's "on call" for this at 3am and not be getting paid for it.
Trauma centers really are closing because of this
. And it's never a good thing when trauma centers close. When shit happens, a nearby trauma center could be the only thing standing between you and the grim reaper.
So what am I saying here? You should have plenty of medical insurance, of course, to make sure you don't stiff the doctor who saves your life. idealy I'd like to see everybody 100% covered for emergencies. Nobody should lose everything they have by random chance, whether it's a car accident, a fire, or any of the other shit that can happen to turn your life upside down, their ought to be a safety net to catch you when you fall, no matter who you are. The government spends way to much on the millitary when there are things that are actually worth money that they could be spending it on.
I guess that if the government took responsibility for people's medical expenses it would mean higher taxes, especially for the wealthy, since they can afford it. The phrase that's coming to my own mind when I think about it is "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need," which, I learned in 7th grade, was a phrase associated with Communism. I guess I don't mind that all that much. I think Communism would be a pretty good form of government if everyone was honest. Of course, if everyone really was honest we could instantly divert the entire police and criminal justice budget to paying for everybody's health care. Still, it's not a bad idea to try to incorporate bits and pieces of an ideal system. And helping your fellow man with something as simple as money when you can afford it isn't a bad place to start.
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