Directly from my brain and onto the internet.
...into the future
Published on April 21, 2005 By PJ_ In Misc
I feel like I've got so much work to do, and not enough time to do it. I don't know where all my time goes. I don't spend rediculous amounts of time poking around on the internet. Reading random JoeUser articles and such. Reading whatever gets posted on Just a little bit of time here and there.

I think the problem is that I squander small blocks of time on trivial time-killing activities like those mentioned above, instead of trying to accomplish some small part of the work I should be getting done. I have to fix that. Starting tomorrow morning (because it's already midnight tonight), there will be no trivial internet activity without first checking my to-do list and deciding that there isn't enough time to make significant progress on any of the items listed. In fact, as soon as I post this I'm going to see if I can get some reading done before bed.

On another note, there's going to be karaoke tomorrow night at the RITz. I should see if I can find anyone to go with me.

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