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PJ's little corner
Directly from my brain and onto the internet.
Morning person
Published on April 3, 2006 By
Life Journals
Mornings are better than nights. I usually feel pretty good in the morning. Night time, not always. I should think about why that is some other time. Now I want to write about my weekend.
Alpha Beta Volleyball. Probably the biggest ICR event of the spring. At least a couple hundred brothers, mostly female. Still an awfully lonely place. In fact it seemed even more lonely, because I had a sense that it didn't have to be.
If you were at the party on Saturday, you probably saw that couple making out in the corner. Not that they were making a huge "scene" that you couldn't miss, but they were there for at least two hours. Anne has pictures. Anyway, I saw them when they were on the dance floor earlier doing pretty much the same thing. Or maybe it was another couple. It's not like it's that uncommon. It struck a chord with me, and I stopped dancing (if that's what you call what I was doing). I stood there for a minute, then I walked off and sat at an empty table. When I feel lonely I get depressed, and when I'm depressed I want to be alone. Ironic, isn't it?
I was depressed and angry, whether at myself or the rest of the world I'm not sure. I was playing with an empty water glass and wondering if anyone would notice if I smashed it on the table, when I saw a girl sitting across the room. I recognized her costume from earlier. The party's theme was old-school Nintendo games, and she was dressed up as the star from Mario Bros.* (It took me a minute or two to figure out that's what she was.) She was alone. I thought of going over to her. "Hey, Star-Girl," I would have said. "I like your costume." She would have said thanks. And then I'd have walked away, to avoid the inevitable awkward silence. But she got up and walked away, and I went back to my friends on the dance floor. A few minutes later I noticed a member of the wait staff cleaning up the broken glass at my table.
That night, as I lay in bed, I wondered "Why do I keep coming to these things?", and then "Why do I keep getting out of bed in the morning?" I came up with a few answers. "Maybe it'll be better next time," and "Sometimes it
And there's always tomorrow morning.
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on Apr 03, 2006
I hate mornings, just because I have to wake up. Once past that initial phase I like that I am awake and not wasting my day sleeping.
In regards to the girl. You totally should have hit on here.
on Apr 03, 2006
What an amazing idea. I never would have fucking thought of that.
God damn it.
Your cousin Eric
on Apr 14, 2006
I have the same problem with the girls, it might be genetic. The whole thing is you have to turn off that part of your brain that says "I have nothing to say besides, I noticed you." and just talk. Say the I noticed you and then take an interest in her, share anticdotes, smile laugh. Unless she shreaks and pepper sprays you the worst that she can do is hint that she isn't interested in talking to you. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it doesn't get you anywhere. DON'T delay, be reactionary, she doesn't know you and initial conversations are superficial. It's breaking the ICE is what that first conversation is about, even if you don't have much to say, you can always use the people you are with as an excuse to make a quick exit and leave her wanting more. Then if you see her again(i went to a smaller college than you so I saw just about everyone once a week) you can have her name and you can talk to her about something you thought about while you were not with her. I got to go eat some dinner. You may think its stupid but don't over think it and don't worry about it. Like Nike in the late 80's early 90's just do it
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